Today (May 12, 2015) the Pew Research Center released a
demographic survey of America’s changing religious landscape examining
demographic changes for US religious groups from 2007 to 2014. I am providing a link to the survey results
published by Pew here.
All I have done was just to pull out of the survey all of
the statistics that are directly relevant to Mormonism. If you wish to see how Mormonism demographic statistics compare to other religions you should follow the link to the PEW survey and look at the tables they have published.
The demographic results specific to Mormonism are below:
Mormon Share of US Population from 2007 to 2014 from 1.7% to 1.6% Decline of 0.1%
36% of people raised Mormon no longer consider
themselves Mormon. Of those, 21% of
them are now unaffiliated with any religion, 6% are now evangelical, 3%
protestant, 2% Catholic, 1% moved to
historically black protestant, 3% are now “other”
69% of US Mormons were born in the Church, 31%
are converts.
Average Median age of Mormons increased from 41
to 43
US Mormons aged 18 to 29 declined from 24% to
US Mormons aged 30 to 49 declined from 42% to
US Mormons aged 50 to 64 increased from 19% to
US Mormons aged 65 and over increased from 15%
to 16%
Ethnicity: Whites decreased from 86% to 85% of US Mormons
Ethnicity: Hispanics increased from 7% to 8% of
US Mormons
Ethnicity: Blacks decreased from 3% to 1% of US
Ethnicity: Asian experienced no change, still 1%
of US Mormons
“Others” increased from 3% to 5% of US Mormons
2% of Whites in the US are Mormon (unchanged
from 2007)
1% of Hispanics in the US are Mormon (Unchanged
from 2007)
1% of ethnicity “Other” are Mormon (unchanged
from 2007)
A negligible % of Blacks in the US are Mormon
(unchanged from 2007)
85% of US Mormons are third generation
immigrants with both parents having been born in the US
7% of US Mormons were born in the US, but had at
least one parent born outside the US
7% of US Mormons were born outside the US
The percentage of Mormons with at least a
bachelor’s degree increased from 29% to 33%
27% of Mormons have at most a high school
40% of Mormons have gone to some college but not
23% of Mormons have a Bachelor’s degree
10% of Mormons have a post graduate degree
26% of Mormons make less than $30K
21% of US Mormons make between $30 to $49K
38% of US Mormons make between $50K to $99K
16% of US Mormons make more than $100K
The percentage of US Mormons that are men
increased from 44 to 46%
The percentage of US Mormons that are women
decreased from 56% to 54%
82% of Married Mormons have a Mormon as a
spouse. This is the second highest rate
among all religious groups.
The percentage of US Mormons that are married
dropped from 71% to 66%. Yet, the Mormon
faith has the largest percentage of adults that are married compared to every
other religious group studied by the Pew Survey
The percentage of US Mormons that have never
been married increased from 12% to 19%
The percentage of US Mormons that are divorced/separated
dropped from 9% to 7%. This is the
second lowest rate out of all of the religious groups studied in the Pew
survey. Only the Hindus have a lower
The percentage of Mormons who are living with a
partner has remain unchanged at 3%
The percentage of US Mormons who are widowed has
remain unchanged at 5%
The fertility rate among Mormons is officially the
highest compared to all other religious groups in the US at an average of 3.4
children born to adults between the ages of 40-59.
The average number of children at home is also
the highest compared to all other religious groups at 1.1
The percentage of Mormons living in the West has
declined from 76 to 67%
The percentage of Mormons living in the South
has increased from 12% to 20%
The percentage of Mormons living in the Midwest
has stayed the same at 7%
The percentage of Mormons living in the
Northeast has increased from 4% to 6%
1% of those from the greatest
generation (born before 1928) are LDS
2% of those from the silent
generation (1928 to 1945) are LDS
1 % of those who are Baby
Boomers (1945 to 1964) are LDS
2% of those who are
Generation X (1965 to 1980) are LDS
2% of those who are Millenials (1981 to 1996) are LDS
All these numbers have remain unchanged from
2007 to 2014
1% of self reported gays, lesbians or bisexuals
in the US consider themselves Mormon
A sample size of 664 Mormons was used with a
margine of error of +/- 4.9 percentage