The recent years of the Mormon Church have been turbulent to
say the least. Plenty of highs of which
devout members are proud and plenty of lows that have been easy ammunition for critics of the Church. The Apostle Boyd K. Packer in 1993 called out what he foresaw to be the greatest threats to
the Church as intellectuals, feminists, and homosexuals. One certainly could argue that he was proven
In recent years, John Dehlin became the figurehead of many
intellectuals as he publicly fought for greater transparency and the freedom to
discuss the difficult questions raised by the complex history, doctrine, and
culture of the Church. He made it his
mission to create "safe" places for members to talk about these things since none
seemed available within the Church.
Dozens of these places popped up all over the United States and even
overseas. He started a popular podcast
that delved into these questions unflinchingly exploring all sides of the
various issues. Many attribute his
efforts to helping them remain in the Church.
Others found their belief in Mormonism turned upside down as he
courageously spoke about what was culturally within the Church unspeakable. The Church was forced to react towards this increase in
transparency that was not in their control.
Church manuals were revised and essays published by the Church on their
website dealing with many of the issues that were now receiving increased visibility. General conference talks
proliferated asking members to avoid the internet and to trust their
leaders. John was eventually excommunicated.
On another front, Kate Kelly became the face of a movement
of modern day LDS feminists who wanted Church leaders to reconsider its
position regarding the role of women in the Church. Women
wore dress pants to Church on Sunday.
Hundreds respectfully lined up to attend Priesthood Session of
conference only to be turned away. A
website and an organization formed to encourage the Church to consider the
clarion call to “Ordain Women.” The Church responded here as well recognizing
that this was no small movement and that great portions of their devout women shared those concerns. Kate proved powerfully talented at raising
the visibility of the cause. Women were
added to committees that were previously all priesthood. Women were finally allowed to pray during
general conference. Though women were
still barred from Priesthood session, credential members of the press who were female were now allowed to
attend. There were other small concessions increasing
the voice and visibility of women within the Church, but ultimately what was
asked for by the Ordain Women movement was too much for the Church. Women supporters began to have their
recommends taken away, and other punitive actions were taken. Kate, like John, was also excommunicated for
her efforts.
Finally, and perhaps, most powerfully, the LGBT movement
without a clear person in the Mormon world acting as its figurehead, also
exerted significant pressure on the Church. LGBT
advocates pushed to receive greater love and inclusion by the Church. The plight of an LDS homosexual, their
depression and suicides were made painfully visible. The political fight in the United States over
same sex marriage only magnified that conflict within the Church.
For a brief while, it seemed that the rhetoric of the Church softened
towards the LGBT community and many of them and their advocates felt hope that
the Church would one day fully embrace them.
But, just a few weeks ago, the Church came out with a policy that
declared anyone engaged in same-sex marriage was to be considered an apostate and face excommunication. Their children
would be banned from membership in the Church.
It was a move that was met with great criticism nationally, not just by ex-Mormons and progressive Mormons,
but by the national and international media as well.
Devout Mormons rushed to the defense of their Church through social
media sharing blogs defending the decision of the Church to implement the
A sad side note to what some consider to be the “fulfillment”
of Packer’s prophecy regarding threats to the Church, is that none of these “movements”
ever wanted to be a threat to the Church.
John Dehlin’s initially foray was all about helping leaders understand
why some members were leaving the Church and finding ways to address their
concerns so that they would not leave. Kate repeatedly reaffirmed
her desire to continue as a member and her belief in the Book of Mormon. She stated
that she wanted Priesthood leaders just to consider and pray about the issues she was raising. She was not making any effort to get people to leave the Church. Finally, most of the LGBT Mormons I have known
have all wanted to find a way to continue being LDS. Many of their advocates hoped that the
church would find a way to help them feel more included and loved and understood. Yet, they all ultimately came to be viewed
as threats and also faced excommunication.
One reaction to what has come to be known as “the Policy” is
that many members chose to resign their membership in the Church. I’ve estimated that at least 5,000 people
went through the effort to have their name removed from the records of the
Church as a direct consequence of the policy change. Those 5,000 people could create a new
Stake. However, the Church pointed out that most of those people were probably inactive already. Although, technically speaking, the same
comment can also be made of the membership of 15 million people frequently
quoted by the Church over half of whom are inactive (though many others would
estimate a higher inactivity rate of 60-65%). I would also venture to argue as well that
most of those who went through the trouble of having their names removed from
the records of the Church were once devout, full tithe paying, temple recommend
holding members of the Church many of whom had once served as local leaders in
their congregations.
That discussion led to natural conversations about the growth
of the Church. Was the Church in
decline? Or was the impact of these intellectuals,
feminists and homosexuals truly just a small drop in a vast sea of members
whose growth was like the stone cut out of the mountain rolling down with great
speed and power destroying everything in its path.
Since I like to have fun with numbers. I decided to look into the question of how
well the Church is growing. Let it be
known, I am not a statistician. True
statisticians will probably find tons of things wrong with my methodology and have
more interesting ways to present their findings. I’m more of a top 10 lists kind of a
guy. A lot easier on the math.
I took a look at the growth of the Church around the world
from the year 2000 to 2014. I used as my source of statistics.
The numbers they have at their website account for over 99% of the
membership of 2014 as stated in April 2015 General Conference.
This is what I learned.
Enjoy! showed that the LDS Church had members in 182 countries. Though I personally believe that the actual
number is probably higher. I am aware of
at least 3 strong branches of the Church in China where I visited several years
ago. Granted, they were made up of ex-patriates
working in China, but these branches are not listed in which does not list any presence of the Church in China. There may be other countries that for some reason do have an LDS presence but did
not make the list..
A very quick observation (requiring next to no math!) is
that back in 2000, 18 of these 182 countries did not have any members of the
Church, so immediately we can easily say that the Church continues to expand
globally. But how is it growing? And
Countries with the
greatest membership of Latter Day Saints
United States:
6.5 million
1.4 million
Brazil: 1.3 Million
Philippines: 710 thousand
579 thousand
Countries that
experienced greater than 10% growth in membership per year from 2000 to 2014
A total of 30 countries experienced this tremendous
growth. However, that growth should not
be overstated either. Of these, only 3
of these countries had more than a thousand members back in 2000. This list includes 18 countries mentioned
earlier that had no membership listed in their country back in 2000.
Countries that
experienced 5 to 10% growth in membership per year from 2000 to 2014
Once again, this category is dominated by countries where
Church presence is very small. There
are a total of 47 countries, with Ghana (62K) and Nigeria (130K) having the
largest membership in 2014. Note that as
of 2014, 24 of these 47 countries still have less than 2,000 members.
Countries that experienced 3% to 5% growth in membership per year from 2000 to 2014
A total of 71 countries experienced membership growth from
3% to 5% per year since 2014. This
includes some of the countries with the greatest membership in the
Brazil (1.3 Million), Mexico (1.4 Million), Peru (557K),
Countries that experienced 0% to 3% growth in membership per year from 2000 to 2014
A total of 60 countries, including the US (6.5 million) ,
Phillipines (710K), and Chile (579K) experienced less than 3% growth per year
in their membership.
Negative growth.
While almost every country experienced growth to varying
degrees, there are eight countries that actually LOST members from 2000 to 2014: Andorra, Denmark, Egypt, Gibraltar, Jordan,
Nauru, Northern Marianas Islands, and Puerto Rico
Avg. growth rate per
year from 2000 to 2014 of countries with the most members
United States:
Philippines: 2.91%
Greatest Increase
in total number of Members from 2000 to 2014
United States
1.2 Million
Brazil 513K
Peru 214K
Greatest increase
in the number of total units (wards & branches) from 2000 to 2014
United States
Mexico +226
Congo, Democratic Republic +108
(no other country has had an
increase of more than 100 wards/branches from 200 to 2014)
Greatest decrease in the number of total units (wards/branches) from 2000 to
Chile (-276)
Japan (-50)
South Korea
Panama (-39)
Guatemala (-30)
United Kingdom (-30)
NOTE: Average # of members per unit has skyrocketed
across the world
An astonishing 167 out of the 182 countries saw the average
number of members per unit increase. In
some cases that increase was dramatic. For
example, back in 2000 Chile averaged 579 members per unit. Today Chile averages 958 members per
unit. Chile has 285 fewer wards and 9
more branches than it did back in 2000.
Only 15 countries saw the average number of members per unit
decline. Only three of those countries
whose average membership per unit actually declined had more than 10,000
members: Haiti (20K), Ghana (62K), and
Cote D’Ivoire (27K). Ten of those
countries had fewer than 1,000 members.
NOTE: 600 members per unit marker.
Back in 2000, there was only one country that averaged over
600 members per unit. The Northern
Marianas Islands showed 856 members on their membership list, but only one branch was
organized there.
However, now in 2014 there are 22 countries that average
greater than 600 members per each unit.
They are: Boliva, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Uruguay, Venezuela and also Hong Kong,
Kiribati, Northern Marianas Islands, South Korea. Notice that 18 of the 22 countries are Latin
It should also be noted that there are 7 additional
countries whose average membership per unit are now above 550. Back in 2000 there were only three.
A Look at Global
Growth of Church Membership Regionally
Avg Growth rate per
year by region and total increase in number of members from 2000 to 2014:
Middle East
9.82% avg
growth per year / increase of 2,700
Africa 7.09% avg growth per year / increase of 303K members
3.38% avg
growth per year / increase of 71K
Central America
3.06% avg growth per
year / increase of 257K members
South America 2.87%
avg growth per year / increase of 1.3
million members
Asia 2.78% avg
growth per year / increase of 356K
Oceania 2.46% avg growth
per year / increase of 128K members
North America
1.78% avg growth
per year / increase of 1.8 million
Europe 1.42% avg growth
per year / increase 92K members
increase/decrease in number of units (wards/branches) by region from 2000 to
North America increased almost 2700 units
Africa increased 658 units
Oceania increased 130 units
Caribbean increased 63 units
Asia increased 52 units
Middle East increased 15 units
South America decreased (-30) units
Central America decreased (-35) units
Europe decreased (-161) units
Yes Virginia, the
Church is growing globally
It is clear that the Church continues to grow and expand
globally. In the last 15 years, the
Church has expanded into an additional 18 countries.
Africa is where the Church is experiencing its greatest
growth as 29 of the 34 countries experienced an average growth rate of over 5%
per year. 33 out of 34 countries added
congregations. The average number of
members per unit is incredibly low averaging less than 250 members per
unit. Africa is probably where the long
term future of the Church lies.
Church growth in the United States while slow, it was nevertheless quite steady
(less than 2% per year). The Church in the United States continues to add large numbers of congregations, over
2000 in the last 15 years. The average
number of members per unit in the US has remained stable over that time frame
(from 450 to 461) suggesting that the growth experienced is real in terms of additional
active members and well-functioning units.
Inactivity in the US has apparently remained about the same. Most of the growth in the Church is still
happening in the United States just in sheer quantities of members. That growth is more probably due to more to high Mormon
birth rates than new converts, though that is admittedly sheer speculation.
But mixed verdict
elsewhere -- example: Central America
The verdict is mixed in other areas of the Church. While growth is steady throughout most of
the Church in the 2% - 3% range, the average number of members per unit has
increased significantly, suggesting significantly increased inactivity thus
blunting the growth of actual active members of the Church.
For example, even though the countries of Central America
averaged slightly more than 3% growth per year, their average number of members
per unit went from 426 to 681. We must
also take into account that the total number of units in Central America declined
from 1106 to 1071 over that time period.
Let’s say that back in 2000 Central America averaged 150 active
members per unit that had 426 on the membership rolls. Let’s further assume that the number of active
people per unit remained about the same over those 15 years. We know that the Church has general
guidelines as to how many members and priesthood holders are needed to create a
ward, split a ward, etc…which results in relatively stable ward
populations. Therefore, if in 2014,
every unit was still averaging 150 active members per unit you
would have a situation in Central America where the total number of active
members actually declined in spite of 3% annual growth.
Year 2000 1106 units x 150 active per unit = 165,900
Year 2014 1071 units
x 150 active per unit = 160,650 members
So it is very possible that the Church has seen active
membership in the church in Central America decrease by roughly 5,000 members
over the last 15 years even though the Church can still honestly state that
overall membership had increased 3% per year over those same years resulting in
over 257,000 people being added to their membership rolls. So on the one hand the Church is growing tremendously, but at the same time, it is experiencing a slow decline with fewer and fewer devout members.
As a side note we should state that people who have their
names removed from the records of the Church are technically not supposed to be
counted in the membership numbers. I cannot confirm that the Church actually
does that. There are some who suspect that the Church still counts ex-Mormons in membership numbers. Assuming that their names are NOT included in membership counts, taking their
names of the lists should in theory result in a more active percentage of
members and lower the number of members per unit. Regardless of what one theorizes the
number of excommunicated and resigned members to be, the increase in inactivity
is so large as to dwarf any positive effect on percentage activity that may be
experienced by taking members of the membership list.
problems in South America and Europe, Chile is a disaster, some concerns in
Asia especially Japan and South Korea
In South America, despite adding almost 1.3 million people
to the membership rolls over the last 15 years, half of the countries in South
America experienced a decline in the number of wards and branches in their
country. The average number of members
per unit also spiked significantly going from 458 in 2000 to 693 in 2014. It is also very possible that the number of
active members in South America has declined.
Something disastrous has happened in Chile to the Church.
Back in 2000 Chile had over 700 wards.
Today they have 421. The average
number of members per unit went from 579 to an incredible 958. So, even though officially membership in
Chile increased by almost 70,000 members over the last 15 years, Chile now has almost 300 fewer congregations and averages almost 1000 people on their membership lists
for EACH congregation. We may be
looking roughly at an activity rate of 15% or even less in this country.
Europe is also seeing
serious signs of decline. Over half of
the countries in Europe have experienced a decline in the number of
congregations including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the United
Kingdom, Sweden, Netherlands, and others… Europe has seen a decline of over 150 congregations in the time period under study. It is also the region in the world where the Church is experiencing the slowest growth rate averaging less than 1.5% growth per year over
the last 15 years.
Finally, special
mention should be made of Japan and South Korea. Those two countries alone
together have accounted for a decline in almost 100 congregations over the last
15 years.
So there is a mixed report to give regarding the growth
and/or decline in membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints. There are very clear signs of
That being said, bringing us full circle to the threats to the Church by intellectuals, feminists, and homosexuals as posited by Boyd K. Packer back in
1993, it is difficult to determine how much of the inactivity is due to one or
more of those three “threats” without more direct causal information.
being said, I am guessing that most of the influence of those
three "threats" is happening here in the United States. Yet, the growth of the
Church in the US appears to be stable, steady, and real even though it is slow. Therefore, I would venture to say
that the Church has greater problems with regards to the growth of the
membership than the potential impact of those perceived "threats" pointed out by Boyd K. Packer. Inactivity is significant in all of
Latin America, Europe, and portions of Asia where the influence of
those three "threats" are perhaps not quite as significant as here in the US. It is in those areas where the growth of the Church has been impacted negatively the most and potentially seen actual decreases in the number of active members in spite of continued overall growth.
Thanks for all of the work Bruce. You did a good job despite the lack of transparency the LDS church has regarding it's numbers. From my personal perspective, the decline of the church is due to the the increased access of its membership to objective information about the church, its founder, its history and its doctrine. Increased knowledge in general regarding science and psychology also play an important role in people's understanding of the LDS church.
ReplyDeleteFascinating. Do we know where the people get their data? Directly from the Church?
ReplyDeleteKristin, I asked myself the same question. They don't clearly state where all their stats come from. However, Cumorah's numbers do correlate closely with those that the Church has published. Cumorah shows 15,272,922 members in 2014, the Church in April 2015 general conference said there were 15,372,337. That is 99.3% accuracy though still 100K off. But as you pore through the various individual country studies, you find references to many of their sources...most of which are Church owned sources.
DeleteFascinating. Do we know where the people get their data? Directly from the Church?